The Healing heart oil is a part of my healing collection created to aid in releasing past trauma, moving on from a bad relationship, and healing from depression, illness, physical, and mental abuse.
💜💜 How to use my Healing Heart Oil 💜💜
I've hand crafted this oil to aid in finding one's own inner peace. To free yourself of depression, anxiety, grief, past trauma, and feelings of inadequacy.
*Like all of my oils the Healing Heart Oil comes fully charged and ready to use. When you first receive the oil feel free to pray over it, shake it well, and speak to the oil with your intentions for healing. Place it on your personal altar or create a special place for it.
To use:
Place on temples and over your heart daily to help with anxiety and depression. Speak daily affirmations that promote peace, clarity, and emotional wellbeing.
Meditation is also recommended daily after applying oil. At least 10-15 minutes. If you aren't sure how to begin meditating look for guided meditations to help you get started.
-Take a white or blue candle and carve your name and birthday in the wax. If using a 7 day candle you may write your name on the glass or carve on top.
- write out a petition of what you are seeking to heal from, how you feel in that moment of writing, and how you want to feel going forward.
-burn for 3 days or until candle burns out completely.
-each day you are to meditate in front of the candle focusing on your intentions of healing and visualizing yourself in a better place emotionally or mentally.
You may also:
-Use in a cleansing or spiritual bath.
-Use in a floor wash to promote peace in your home.
- place 5 drops in a blue or white bowl with some salt or bluing (if you can find it) to remove negativity from a space or under your bed to promote restful sleep.
All condition oils are made from high quality herbs and oils and are safe to use on the skin. Skin test is recommended. For external use only. *I make no guarantees that this product will work for everyone and it is sold as a curio only* This product is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advise or professional medical treatment.