Spiritual Armor is an all-purpose protection oil from an old hoodoo recipe that was passed down to me. This oil has 13 herbs to promote protection from: harm, enemies, the evil eye, jinxing, slander, gossip, safety during travel or surgery, and protecting a child, loved one, relationship, or property.
All of my oils come fully charged and ready to use. When you receive my oil feel free to pray over it or read psalms 64 and place on your personal altar to add your own energy if you like.
🖤 Ways to use Spiritual Armor 🖤
-Add a few drops to a spiritual bath.
-Mix into a floor wash to protect your home or business.
- Put a drop at each of the 4 corners or your home or business.
- Place a drop on each door handle of your car or truck for safe travel.
-Use a drop on your children's bookbags for protection at school.
- Add a drop to your steering wheel to prevent wrecks that you are at fault for.
- Place a drop on your windowsills to prevent burglary or theft.
- Put a drop on your front and back doorknobs to prevent break ins or theft from your home or place of business.
- Add a drop to protective crystals or jewelry to give them a boost in energy.
- Use to feed a mojo bag or gris gris.
- Anoint purse or wallet to protect your money.
- Place on handles of luggage to prevent loss during travel.
These are just some of the uses feel free to get creative and use in whatever way resonates with you. As always when you are using anointing oils you are speaking your intentions or desires while using them.
Spiritual Armor is meant to be used as a preventative measure of protection not just when signs are presented showing you are in need of protection.
Monthly protection candle:
✨ 1 white 7 day candle or large pillar candle
✨ Creole Conjure's Spiritual Armor (protection oil)
✨ protective herbs of your choice (if you aren't sure what herbs to use see my post on protective herbs.)
- Carve your name and birthday into the candle . (Write on glass candle)
- Anoint with Spiritual Armor
- For 15-20 minutes a day meditate in front of your candle, pray, and/or read psalms 23, 30, 64, or 9 depending on what type of protection you are seeking.
Do this for 7 days or until the candle burns out.
All condition oils are made from high quality herbs and oils and are safe to use on the skin. Skin test is recommended. For external use only. *I make no guarantees that this product will work for everyone and it is sold as a curio only*