Loyalty Oil - Hoodoo Condition Oil
Loyalty Oil - Hoodoo Condition Oil

Loyalty Oil - Hoodoo Condition Oil

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Loyalty Oil is a hand blended hoodoo condition oil. This oil is exclusive to Creole Conjure Co. and is intended to create harmony and loyalty in a relationship.  The star ingredient is magnolia flowers, known in hoodoo to have the energy of peace, commitment, and faithfulness. 

Ideal for a straying lover, tension in the home, and getting a relationship back on track. Loyalty Oil can be used for more than just a romantic relationship. I've had many people use it with much success in situations involving family members, to heal a relationship between a child and an absent parent, in business to create loyal customers, to make an employer or boss loyal to you, or in finance for better money management. Use the multi-purpose oil wherever or whenever loyalty is needed. 

💗💗How to use my Loyalty oil 💗💗


Uses include:
- spiritual baths
- floor washes
- anointing candles or personal concerns belonging to your target.
- adding to a sweetening jar
- worn directly on the skin or added to lotion *skin test recommended* 


- Rub a drop on your lover's hat so you stay on their mind.
- use on the 4 corners of the bed or mattress you share with your lover for fidelity.
- put a drop on your hands and hug your intended target while visualizing the relationship you want or the outcome you want.
- rub a drop in between your palms then hold your phone in your hands while speaking intentions of better communication.
- put a drop inside a pair of your lover's shoes to keep them from wandering.

*while using any of the above mentioned tips remember to speak or visualize the outcome you are looking for. Intention is very important when using any condition oil and should always be set. While this product is meant to bring people together it will not create loyalty by force. If the target is not a loyal person to begin with or the situation is toxic it has been known to separate people for their own good.*

-Using a pink, white, or red candle: carve your target's name in the candle then carve your name over theirs. Add 2 or 3 drops of loyalty oil to the candle until it has a light coating. Write your petition and add a personal concerns that belongs to the target (hair, finger nail clippings, bodily fluid, etc.) Fold towards you twice. Place candle on a plate then place the plate on top of the petition. If you have a picture of your intended target place it under the petition.  Burn candle for 15 or 20 minutes each day while speaking out loud your intentions and visualizing the outcome you desire.


I make no guarantees and products are sold as a curio only*