Spiritual bath kit- PROSPERITY  Hoodoo Spiritual Bath

Spiritual bath kit- PROSPERITY Hoodoo Spiritual Bath

Regular price $25.00
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Spiritual Baths are one of the simplest and most effective ways of purifying yourself, preparing yourself for magical work, or for inviting in desired magical effects!! This bath is specific to prosperity. I put together special money drawing herbs, along with homemade conjure money and luck oils, and my strongest intentions of prosperous energy to help you achieve your desired effects.

The petitioner may use this kit for:
- Drawing in money
- Finding employment
- Promotions at work
- A more prosperous business

This kit includes:
1-bag of herbs to attract luck and good fortune
2- tealight prosperity candles anointed with money oils and blessed herbs
1- set of instructions

This is just one of many spiritual baths I make. I can also customize a special bag to fit your needs. Please message me for a consultation.

sold as a curio only results are not guaranteed.